Potential Earnings


To calculate ROI (return on investment) in properties we just need to know approximate costs of property and return amount that we are able to obtain due to the rent of property. Of course the return may be different depending on the type, localization or size of property. To show you the general overview, here are real numbers from one of properties bought by one of our clients in Lodz in “narutowicza residence” investment.

Price of the property – 248 000 zl ( 2 rooms , 56m2 – additional wall added inside, changed structure of flat to 3 roomed flat ) Notary costs – 2600 zl

Finish and furnishing – 48 000 zł.

TOTAL : 298 600 zł

Rent price without administrative costs and bills – 2300 PLN / month ; 27 600 / year 298 600 : 27 600 = 10,81
